Copenhagen Vineyard B&U
In Copenhagen Vineyard, children and young people (0-29 years) can join our children's and young people's association København Vineyuard B&U (KVBU).
Through the association, we receive grants both for daily work and for special events, trips abroad etc.
Each membership costs DKK 100 per year, and for that we get:
- Around DKK 400 in subsidy per member from Udlodningsmidler (Danske Spil and Det Danske Klasselotteri),
- Opportunity to seek funds from DUF for events Like Mission Julegave, Vineyard Open, Spring Camp etc.
- Grant from our National Association LFKU for the employment of children and youth workers.
- Grant from LFKU for trips abroad, for example, conferences for teenagers and youth, mission trips etc.
Will you join us?
Register here or contact Kathrine Chercka if you would like to know more about membership of KVBU.