Welcome to our services
We meet for services every Sunday at 10:30am and 7pm at Nyvej 7, Frederiksberg.
For our services, we create space where we can meet with God and each other. The services have a relaxed feel and are open to everyone.
We start with a time of worship, after which we have a coffee break and then a talk by one of our pastors or a guest. After the talk there is opportunity for someone to pray with you.
Children's Church
In the mornings we have Children's Church for children from 2-12 years old.
Children under 2 can play with their parents in the creché, where you can listen along to the service too.
Morning Services
In the morning, we meet at 10am for fresh croissants and coffee.
After singing and sharing communion together the kids will go to Children's Church.
Every other Sunday we have fellowship lunch together in the church's café after the morning service.
There is opportunity to buy warm form and enjoy it together.
On the weeks when there is no fellowship lunch, after the service there will be an opportunity to bring your own lunch or buy a sandwich or snack in the Café.
Evening Services
In the evening the coffee is ready from 6:30pm and after the service we have cosy, fun and fellowship at the Sunday Bar, where you can buy a drink and a toastie.
Every first Sunday in the Monday there is Sicilian Pizza from 5:30pm, where we eat together in the church's café, before the service at 7pm.
You are more than welcome - you just turn up, eat and pay.